we are the protected area
with the largest extension in Entre Ríos

With an area of 30,000 ha, our project allocates 68% of its total area to the conservation of natural environments & their biodiversity.

At El Potrero we work every day to promote the coexistence between production and conservation, with a sustainable development model that protects natural environments and their biodiversity. We know that there is still much to be done, but we are on the way to making this corner of Entre Ríos an example and a model that can be replicated in all areas of our country.


hectares of protected
natural environments


wild animals
rehabilitated and released


people visited the Reserve
until December 2024


native trees were
planted in 2024


In November 2024, El Potrero was certified as a B Company, the first agricultural and forestry company to be certified in Argentina.

Companies that are certified as a B Company are not perfect, but they are committed to continuous improvement and place their socio-environmental purpose at the center of their work model. They measure and analyze the 5 most relevant areas of their company: government, workers, customers, community and environment, allowing a detailed review of all of them, in order to help identify all possible points of improvement and opportunities to become agents of change, enhancing the triple impact.

some of our conservation projects

regeneration project 2024
with one tree planted

In 2022 we signed a working agreement with One Tree Planted to generate a large-scale joint action of ecological restoration and enhancement of about 40 hectares of degraded areas of natural environments in the El Potrero Reserve.

THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO PLANT 20,000 NATIVE TREE PLANTINGS during the next few months, in different areas chosen for environmental restoration within the Reserve.

planting progresses


We want to contribute to the formation of empathetic people who love and respect life in all its forms, who understand that our decisions and actions matter and that, if we add them together, they can change the world.

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