Natural Protected Areas in Entre Ríos
The El Potrero Reserve, declared a “Natural Protected Area – Multiple Use Reserve” by the Entre Ríos Legislature (Law 10.519), is part of the Provincial System of Protected Areas, whose main objectives are:
1. Integrate the conservation, sustainable use and management of protected areas into the development of socio-cultural, economic and environmental policies, and the full enjoyment of the goods and services they provide to society.
2. To protect samples of the totality of the natural environments of Entre Ríos, preserving their character as genetic banks, environmental regulators and sources of raw material in perpetuity, improving, when appropriate, their productivity.
Argentine Network of Private Nature Reserves
The Argentine Network of Private Nature Reserves is the first initiative in the country that integrates private reserves and civil society organizations committed to the conservation of natural and cultural values on privately owned land.
Networking allows not only to address common issues and interests together, but also to share and learn from other experiences in order to implement better resources and solutions in each case.
Given that the reserves are located in different geographical locations, working through the Nodes allows regional issues to be addressed more efficiently through meetings, communication groups and activities of local interest.
El Potrero Reserve is part of the Entre Ríos Node.