Interaction with the Community

At El Potrero Reserve we are convinced that ideas are strengthened when we are able to broaden horizons and involve different sectors of society. That is why we work together with local organizations and institutions to promote and develop projects with a positive impact, not only related to environmental conservation but also with social purposes.

We develop training courses and workshops in different productive activities and accompany some of the community institutions collaborating in some of their projects.

Working together

These are some of the main works carried out during these last years with different sectors of the local community.

Organic Orchard

We carry out different workshops and trainings on organic gardening and collaborate in the development of projects related to healthy eating.

Wool Washing and Spinning

We organize wool washing and spinning trainings, in the search for a return to artisanal techniques, conscious and environmentally friendly production.


We coordinate workshops for learning how to build with organic materials, promoting a lifestyle with a smaller ecological footprint.


We generate spaces for learning and exchange in different projects of the Reserve, seeking to train people in conservation and environmental education tasks.

Penal No. 9

We work together with Prison No. 9 Colonia El Potrero in different initiatives of integration, accompaniment and socialization of people deprived of their freedom.

Social Kitchens

We collaborate with various social kitchens in our area to help them provide assistance to families in our community.

Working with Local School

We coordinate, together with the authorities of the schools in our Colony, workshops and activities related to the care of the environment and biodiversity.

Native Planting

We collaborate with reforestation initiatives in public spaces in our community, through projects of schools or local organizations.

Vacation Camp

We work together with social organizations to provide recreational and educational spaces for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations.

Tell us about your project

Do you have a positive social impact project in our area that
you would like to articulate or promote?

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